Thursday, August 26, 2010

Essential Linux Command Tips

extracting files:
for .bz2 files
# tar -xvjf myfile.tar.bz2

for .gz files
# tar -xvzf myfile.tar.gz

compressing files:
use the -c switch intead of -x
# tar -cvzf linux-2.6.30-2.tar.gz

if you want to specify a directory,
# tar -cvzf linux-2.6.30-2.tar.gz mydir

rpms on RHEL:
# rpm -ivh filename.rpm

# rpm -e filename.rpm

checking if a package is installed-
# rpm -qa | grep gcc
this will give you the versions of gcc if it is installed.

checking size of a directory:
# du -sh
this will give the size of the current directory
# du -sh /var/lib
this will give the size of the /var/lib directory. 's' will not display the contents i.e. silent mode and 'h' will print int in human readable form (MB)

viewing only directories:
# ls -d */

Redhat Version:
# cat /etc/redhat-release

kernel version:
# uname -a

displaying year in the ls output:
# ls -l --full-time

print filesystem features:
# debugfs -R features /dev/hdc1

getting count of the listing provided by ls:
# ls | wc -l

label a partition:
# e2label /dev/sda1 mylabel

tuning a filesystem:
# tune2fs -c 1 /dev/sda1
this will perform an fsck at every boot on partition sda1. other parameters can be given accordingly. RTM (missing a letter ;- )

re-setting a symbolic link:
# ln -f -s /var/lib/ file's original link will be reset to the new one specified.